LabSynthE featuring illustration by Maedeh Asgharpour, One Breath Poem in the exhibit
Ceremonial Techne (xtine burrough and Sabrina Starnaman), Mamdouha Bobst Gallery, New York University, October 2022-May 2023
Published in ‘Art as Social Practice’ edited by xtine burrough and Judy Walgren. 2022

In One Breath Poem: Message for a Revolution the voice is used to express a poem or poetic phrase with the limitation of speaking in just one “unit” or a single exhale. This edition is a call and response regarding the uprisings against police brutality and systemic racism in the summer of 2020.
LabSynthE uses emerging technologies to create digitally mediated experiences. To facilitate poetic exchange for this project, the One Breath Poem: Message for a Revolution call-in platform is inspired by works such as John Giorno’s Dial A Poem (1968) and Heath Bunting’s King’s Cross Phone-In (1994). Participants can dial in from their mobile phones, landlines, [or in the browser–coming soon]. Calls are directed to a voice over internet protocol (VoIP) we programmed on the site Using the programming language Python and the server,, we create site-specific arrays (bundles of poetic exchanges) for exhibition and exchange opportunities. 
Ongoing Participation Prompt: 
Leave a message in which you share your poetic observation or a selection of poetry to describe your experience at or during these uprisings with one caveat: Do so in just one breath. 
Ready To Participate?
Dial ‪1 (205) 551-8577
From outside the United States, please see this easy to use reference:
Please be aware that we plan to publish the voice messages we receive in a creative project.